Tuesday, 26 July 2011

What's On Track?

New figures released by Network Rail appear to show just how plain stupid some people can be.
In the year to March, take a look at some o the following items found on railway tracks, in many cases, according to Network rail, placed deliberately:
95 bikes
73 trolleys
22 traffic cones
9 mattresses
5 prams
4 sofas

Other items include: trampoline, toy car and a remote control helicopter.

More statistics reveal even more depressing reading:
1020 reports of stone throwing
61 reported incidents of children playing "chicken" with trains
7800 incidents of trespass (this is reported, and could be much higher) and 27 deaths as a result of trespass (again, may not be an accurate figure as the Coroners court has yet to classify the fatalities.)
Network Rail is currently embarking on a hard-hitting campaign aimed at children about the dangers of messing around on the railway. Some adults could do with heeding the message too.

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